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Loading meshes


From Dmitry Sokolov

import numpy as np

class Mesh():
    def __init__(self, filename):
        # parse the .obj file
        V, T = [], []
        with open(filename) as f:
           for line in f.readlines():
               if line.startswith('#'): continue
               values = line.split()
               if not values: continue
               if values[0] == 'v':
                   V.append([float(x) for x in values[1:4]])
               elif values[0] == 'f':
                   T.append([int(x) for x in values[1:4]])
        self.V, self.T = np.array(V), np.array(T)-1

        # compute the adjacency
        self.v2c = np.array([-1]*self.nverts)
        self.c2c = np.array([-1]*self.ncorners)
        for c in range(self.ncorners):
            v = self.T[c//3][c%3]
            self.v2c[v] = c
        for c in range(self.ncorners):
            v = self.T[c//3][c%3]
            self.c2c[c] = self.v2c[v]
            self.v2c[v] = c

        # speed up the computations
        self.opp = np.array([-1]*self.ncorners)
        for c in range(self.ncorners):
            c_org = self.T[c//3][c%3]
            c_dst = self.T[c//3][(c+1)%3]
            cir = c
            opp = -1
            while True:
                cand = (cir//3)*3 + (cir+2)%3
                cand_org = self.T[cand//3][cand%3]
                cand_dst = self.T[cand//3][(cand+1)%3]
                if (cand_org == c_dst and cand_dst == c_org):
                    opp = cand # we suppose manifold input
                cir = self.c2c[cir]
                if (cir==c): break
            self.opp[c] = opp 

        self.boundary = np.array([False]*self.nverts)
        for v in range(self.nverts):
            cir = self.v2c[v]
            if cir<0: continue
            while (True):
                if self.opp[cir]<0:
                    self.boundary[v] = True
                cir = self.c2c[cir]
                if (cir==self.v2c[v]): break

    def nverts(self):
    Gets the number of verticies
        return len(self.V)

    def ntriangles(self):
    Gets the number of triangles
        return len(self.T)

    def ncorners(self):
    Gets the number of corners of the triangle
        return len(self.T)*3

    def org(self, c):
    Gets the vertice at the origin of the edge
        return self.T[c//3][c%3]

    def dst(self, c):
    Gets the destination vertice of the edge
        return self.T[c//3][(c+1)%3]

    def prev(self, c):
    Gets the previous half-edge
        return (c//3)*3 + (c+2)%3

    def next(self, c):
    Gets the next half-edge
        return (c//3)*3 + 1

    def opposite(self, c):
    Gets the oposite half-edge
        return self.opp[c]

    def on_border(self, v):
        return self.boundary[v]

    def __str__(self):
        ret = ""
        for v in self.V:
            ret = ret + ("v %f %f %f\n" % (v[0], v[1], v[2]))
        for t in self.T:
            ret = ret + ("f %d %d %d\n" % (t[0]+1, t[1]+1, t[2]+1))
        return ret