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Simulated Annealing


Simulated annealing is a techniaue for minimizing functions using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samplers. It is very usefull for wiggly functions that classic Newton-style optimizers can not handle.

Let \(h(\theta)\) be the function for which we want to find the minimum. Let \(\theta\) be the vector of parameters in the space \(S\).

The idea is to build successive approximations of the target density \(\pi(\theta)\) until it is very close to the final one.

Let the uniform distribution over all the global minimizers be such that:

\[ S\star = \{ \theta \in S : h(\theta) = min_{\theta}( h(\theta)) \} \]

and define

\[ \left\{ \begin{array}{11} \pi(\theta) \propto 1 && \forall \theta \in S \star \\ \pi(\theta) = 0 &&\forall \theta \notin S \star \end{array} \right. \]

The uttimate goal is to find a way to sample from \({\pi(\theta)}\).

First begin to build am approximate density called \(\pi_{T} (\theta)\) where

\[ \pi_{T}(\theta) \propto exp{\left( \frac{-h(\theta)}{T} \right)} \]

T is the temperature.

  1. As \(T \rightarrow \infty\), \(\pi(T)\) approaches to unifrom density
  2. As \(T \rightarrow 0\), \(\pi(T) \rightarrow \pi(\theta)\)

The aim is to draw many samples from \(\pi_{T}(\theta)\) initially with a large value of \(T\), and to lower \(T\) towards \(0\) slowly. As we lower \(T\), the density \(\pi_{T}(\theta)\) will become more and more concentrated around the minima of \(h(\theta)\).

The general stategy is to start with a large temperature to explore the whole sample space and then decrease slowly \(T\) until the solution converges to a minima.

The sample preocedure is the following: Choose a symmetric proposal density \(q(. \mid \theta)\), then for the iteration \(n\) with state \(\theta _{n}\):

  1. Sample \(\quad \theta \star \sim q(\theta \mid \theta_{n})\)
  2. Sample \(\quad U \sim \mathcal{U}(0, 1)\)
  3. Compute $$ \alpha(\theta \star \mid \theta_{n}) = min \left( \frac{exp(-h(\theta \star)/T)}{exp(-h(\theta_{n})/T)}, 1 \right) = min \left( exp \left( \frac{-(h(\theta \star - h(\theta_{n})}{T} \right), 1 \right) $$
  4. Accept \(\theta \star\) as the next state if \(\quad U \leq \alpha (\theta \star \mid \theta_{n})\)
  5. Decrease the temperature T

If \(h(\theta \star) \leq h(\theta_{n})\) then the proposal is always accepted so that the solution converges to the minimum. If \(h(\theta \star) \geq h(\theta_{n})\) then the proposal \(\theta \star\) has still a chance to be accepted (even if this solution is greater and we want to find the minima). This allows to avoid getting stuck in a local minima. As T decreses it becomes less likely that an uphill proposal is accepted (in order to converge to a minima).

A cooling schedule for T has to be choosen, and in general:

\[ T_{n} = \frac{a}{log(n+b)} \quad \forall a, b > 0 \]

This make simulated annealing a very slow algorithm to converge.