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Rejection Sampling

Rejection sampling can be used to generate samples of a random variable with density f and there is not a built in function for it.


If one can not sample from the density \(f\) (target density), one can find a density \(g\) (candidate density)**, like a normal or t-distribution from which it's easy to sample because \(g\) is known. Then it's possible to sample g and reject samples in a strategic way to make the non-rejected samples look like they came from f density:

\[ P \left( X \leq t \mid X_{accepted} \right) = \frac{P \left( X \leq t, X_{accepted}\right)}{P{X_{accepted}}} = F(t) \]

This shows that the distribution function of the candidate values, given that they are accepted is equal to the distribution function corresponding to the target density.

To allow for \(f\) sampling while \(g\) is sampled, the support of \(f\) has to be included in the support of \(g\). In fact, if there is a region of the support of \(f\) that \(g\) can not touch, then this area will not get sampled. In practice, \(g\) should be chosen in order to match as closely as possible to \(f\).


Let c be the maximum of \(f / g\) on the support of \(f\):

\[ c = \sup_{x\sim f} \left( \frac{f(x)}{g(x)} \right) \]

Define a number of samples to achieve and while it is not reached, do:

  1. Simulate \(U \sim \mathcal{U}(0, 1)\)
  2. Simulate a candidate \(X \sim \mathcal{g}\) (candidate density)
  3. If $$ U\leq{\frac{f(X)}{cg(X)}} $$

accept the candidate, otherwise reject it and go back to the beginning.

This implies that f can be evaluated (to determine the acceptance ratio)

Properties of rejection sampling

The number of draws we need to take from the candidate density \(g\) before we accept a candidate is a geometric random variable with success probability

\[ P(X_{accepted})= P \left( U \leq \frac{f(X)}{cg(X)} \right)=\frac{1}{c} \]

This explains why the fact that \(g\) is close to \(f\) make the candidate be accepted with higher chances. The higher c, the lower the acceptance probability.