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Metropolis Hastings


The Mettropolis-Hastings alogorithm is am iterratve algorithm where at each stage, there are three steps:

Let \(q(Y \mid X )\) be a transition density for p-dimensional \(X\) and \(Y\) from which we can easily simulate. Let \(\pi (X)\) be the target density (the stationnary distribution that our Markov chain will eventually converge to).

  1. Suppose we are currently in stage \(x\) and we want to know how to move to the next state in the state space. Simulate a candidate value \(y \sim q(Y \mid x)\). The candidate value depends on our current state \(x\).
  2. Let the acceptance ratio be:

    \[ \alpha (y \mid x)=min \left\{ \frac {\pi(y)q(x \mid y)}{\pi(x)q(y \mid x)}, 1 \right\} \]
  3. Simulate \(u \sim \mathcal{U}(0, 1)\). If \(u \leq \alpha(y \mid x)\) then the next state is equal to \(y\), otherwise we stay on \(x\).

These three steps reprensent the transition kernel of the Markov chain from which we are simulating.


From the MCMC properties:

  • The transition kernel \(\mathcal{K}\) is time reversible i.e. \(\pi (y) \mathcal{K}(x \mid y) = \pi(x) \mathcal{K}(y \mid x)\)

Variants of the M-H algorithm

Random walk Metropolis-Hastings

Example: the random walk Metropolis-Hastings can be used to sample from a normal distribution. Let \(g\) be a uniform distribution over the interval \((-\delta, \delta)\) \(\forall \delta > 0\).

  1. Simulate \(\epsilon \sim \mathcal{U}(-\delta, \delta)\) and let \(y = x + \epsilon\)
  2. Compute $$ \alpha (y \mid x) = min \left( \frac{\phi(y)}{\phi(x), 1} \right) $$ where \(\phi\) is the stantard normal density.
  3. Simulate \(u \sim \mathcal{U}(0, 1)\), If \(u \leq \alpha(y \mid x)\) then accept \(y\) as the next state, otherwise stay on \(x\)

Independance Metropolis-Hastings

In this variant, the candidate proposal do not depend on the current state \(x\), so \(q(y \mid x) = q(y)\).

The bahaviour is the same as the standard algorithm appart from the acceptance ratio that is modified into:

\[ \alpha (y \mid x) = min \left\{ \frac{\pi(y)q(x)}{\pi(x)q(y)}, 1 \right\} \]

Slice sampler

Hit and run sampler

Single component Metropolis-Hastings