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Markov Chain - Monte Carlo


A Markov chain is a stochastic process that evolves over time by transitioning into different states.

The sequence of states is denoted by the collection \(\{X_{i}\}\). The Markov property tells that:

\[ P(X_{t} \mid X_{t-1}, X_{t-2}, ..., X_{0}) = P(X_{t} \mid X_{t-1}) \]

i.e. we can determine the distribution of the next value only knowing the distribution of the current value.

The collection of states that theMarkov chain can visit is the state space.

The quantity governing the probability that the chain moves from one state to another is the transition kernel or transition matrix \(P_{ij}\)

\[ P(X_{n+1} = j \mid X_{n} = i) = P_{ij} \]

It is possible to get the probability distribution for any number of iterations in the process \(n\in\mathbb{N^{*}}\) If there are 3 states: {1, 2, 3}, and at the start, the state is at 3, then the stating probability distribution is denoted by \(\pi_{0} = (0, 0, 1)\).

At the first iteration, the probability distribution is \(\pi_{1} =\pi_{0} P\) At the \(n^{th}\) iteration, \(\pi_{n} =\pi_{0} P^{(n)}\)

The markov chain is said to be stationary if \(\pi_{\star} =\pi_{\star} P\) and \(\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \pi_{n} = \pi_{\star}\)

There are three asumtions for the Markov chain:

  1. The stationarity distribution \(\pi_{\star}\) exists
  2. The chain is irreductible meaning that any state can be reached with a certain amount of iterations
  3. The chain is aperiodic meaning that it should not visit certain types of numbers depending on the iteration (e.g. visit odd numbers when \(n\) is odd etc...)

The Markov chain is time reversible meaning that moving in the 'forward' direction is equal in distribution to the same sequence in the 'backward' direction (called the local balance equation):

\[ \pi_{i} P(i, j) = \pi_{j} P(j, i) \]

Summary of the MCMC

  1. We want to sample from a complicated density \(\pi\).
  2. We know that aperiodic and irreducible Markov chains with a stationary distribution \(\pi\) will eventually converge to that stationary distribution.
  3. We know that if a Markov chain with transition matrix \(P\) is time reversibile with respect to \(\pi\) then \(\pi\) must be the stationary distribution of the Markov chain.
  4. Given a chain governed by transition matrix \(P\), we can simulate it for a long time and eventually we will be simulating from \(\pi\).